
Currently in Georgia, 139 of 181 school districts have adopted the 100% Tobacco-Free School Policy, protecting 1,580,192 students from the dangers and harms of second hand smoke exposure and creating a safe and healthy learning environment. Tobacco-Free School Policy is an evidenced-based strategy for preventing youth tobacco use.

Why are Tobacco-Free Schools (TFS) Important?

A comprehensive Tobacco-Free School Policy does more than deter individual tobacco use. It benefits everyone by reducing exposure to secondhand smoke. As a result, Tobacco-Free School Policies impact the health of not only the students but the community at large.

Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of death and disease in the United States and more than 80 percent of adult users started before age 18. Reasons young people start smoking or chewing are varied. Influences come from parents, teachers, coaches and other adults, peers, mass media and the price/availability of tobacco products. Because there are so many influences, efforts to reduce tobacco use must include more than one strategy.

100% Tobacco Free Schools in Georgia

Click   Download this pdf file. here  to see if your school district has adopted and implemented the 100% model Tobacco-Free School Policy.

Here’s how you can support your district’s TFS policy

  1. Make sure your TFS policy is being fully implemented and enforced

Download this pdf file. This document will help you to determine if your school has enough signage to enforce your TFS.

Download this pdf file. This document  will help you determine if your TFS policy is being implemented and enforced at your school's sporting events.

  1. Update or develop a TFS policy enforcement plan for your school

Download this pdf file. This document will help your school determine the best way to make sure everyone is following your TFS policy.

  1. Communicate the policy to all school staff, students, and visitors

Download this pdf file. This document will help your school to make sure you are communicating the policy to everyone.

How to adopt the 100% tobacco free school

  1. Check to see if your school’s current policy meets the model policy requirements

Download this doc file. This document is a template of what a model 100% Tobacco-Free School Policy should say.

Download this pdf file. This document will help you to see if your current policy meets the Georgia 100% Tobacco-Free School Policy requirements.

  1. Complete the policy adoption steps

This document provides steps to implement and enforce a Tobacco-Free School Policy.

  1. Once your policy has been adopted, develop a TFS policy enforcement plan for your school

Download this pdf file. This document will help your school determine the best way to make sure everyone is following your Tobacco-Free School Policy.

  1. Once the policy has been adopted, communicate the policy to all school staff, students, and visitors

Download this pdf file. This document will help your school to make sure you are communicating the policy to everyone.

Quitting is your best option to reduce your risk from smoking and tobacco use-related diseases. Vaping is not a healthy alternative to smoking. E-cigarettes and vape products are not FDA-approved cessation devices. For more information and support to help you quit contact the Georgia Tobacco Quit Line.

Click HERE for more information about quitting.

Last reviewed 7/11/2023